
UBS Snags Swiss IPO

Real estate is proving a sure investor bet amid record low and negative interest rates: the Swiss bank is leading the second property listing in Switzerland this year.


The Future of Advice

New survey reveals how advisor business models and practices will change—and the implications for asset managers.


View Crisis as an Opportunity, not as a Threat

Boris Yeltsin handled the army coup successfully by facing it head-on when USSR was transforming due to ‘perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’ under the leadership of Michael Gorbachev.


UBS: Axel Weber Creates Merger Wish List

Weber has previously voiced his views about the need for the board to seek partners for inorganic growth and he had previously explored merger options with external consultants but had not raised the issue to board directors until now.


Flu d’état by Tim Price

Teachers won’t teach; general practitioners refuse to see their patients; the police use drones to eavesdrop on remote hill-walkers.