
Buffett renewing call for millionaire’s tax

As the country approaches the fiscal cliff, Obama has insisted that Bush-era tax cuts — set to expire at the beginning of 2013 — expire for families making $250,000 and above.


Small business owners focused on job creation - RESEARCH

A recent survey by U.S. Trust (Bank of America Private Wealth Management) is being highlighted by The Lending Circle concerning job creation in America that is largely driven by small business. The survey shows that the majority of business owners feel it


Too quiet on the western front by Tim Price

Your endorsement of Mr Obama and his policies for a second term reminded me of Samuel Johnson’s aphorism, that getting married a second time represents the triumph of hope over experience.


HSBC Chairman urges bankers to swear an oath

Douglas Flint, the chairman of HSBC, is pushing for bankers to take an oath similar to that sworn by doctors as part of radical plans to overhaul the way the profession is viewed in the wake of the financial crisis and successive banking scandals.


Black Sales - Red Budgets

Happy Black Friday. So is the US consumer rising in confidence? All will be revealed once the first figures are out following Black Friday.