
Don’t shoot the goose

No reasonable person contests the idea that we should all pay our proper dues. Nevertheless, in a week when it has emerged that HMRC wrote off £10.9 billion last year (with the Treasury expressing ‘some surprise’ according to the Public


Is the demise of Swiss private banking gathering pace?

Beyond talk at the time from a few consultants that difficulties at the banks would herald in a period of consolidation in Swiss banking, not much thought was given to the wider implications of what was going on at Sarasin and Vontobel.


United tax evasion defences start to crumble

All eyes will be on the year end results from Switzerland’s biggest banks this coming week, but thoughts will also be turned to the fallout from tax evasion scandals.



So just how much sweet and sour can we take in a week?


Renmimbi Rising

George Osborne's efforts last week to try and establish London as the Western centre for the trading of the Chinese currency should be congratulated however, some of the headlines seemed to get a little enthusiastic over something which is going to b


Executive Insight: UBS Wealth Management's Anthony 'Tony' Roth

Having dyslexia had a big impact on me socially, and it was a challenge to navigate the academic world. Still, I spent my last two years of high school at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., graduated magna cum laude from Brown University in 1990, took a


Shafts of Light in Leaden Skies

I can only presume that most of the population must have comforted themselves with excessive amounts of alcohol to try and negate the seemingly unremitting gloom that was aired throughout the holiday period.