The Schroders Global Investment Trends Survey 2015
Over-confidence amongst retail investors globally with majority expecting a return of 12% over the next year
Over-confidence amongst retail investors globally with majority expecting a return of 12% over the next year
“May 2015 saw the largest increase in the Capital Movement Index in the past twelve months, as inflows easily outpaced outflows. In fact, outflows were the lowest recorded since the index’s inception in 2006,” said Bill Stone, Chairman a
Poor returns on hedge funds and other actively managed vehicles have helped drive a shift away from pursuing alpha.
Ultra-high-net-worth investors rank smart investing just below hard work and education as the key factors that are responsible for their financial success.
The growth of these new entrants has gotten the attention of incumbent players like Charles Schwab, which executed a smart fast follow strategy with its “Intelligent Portfolios” offering.
Audi sold the most luxury cars globally in April, edging out BMW Group’s namesake brand and the fast-growing Mercedes-Benz brand
Pet robotics has come a long way from the Tamagotchi craze of the mid-90s
Over the past five years, cryptotechnologies have surfaced as major IT innovation with the potential to improve the architecture of systems and processes in a number of digital transaction-based industries.
Cross-border managers plan to increase their sales efforts in Italy, France, Spain, and Germany during 2015, according to research by Cerulli Associates
Hacktivism Professionalising and Going After Bigger Targets
When it comes to active safety, you'd think that your car being able to detect pedestrians and apply the brakes if you're not paying attention, would be a great selling point.
Investors with less money actually know (5.9 on a 10-point scale) slightly more than they think they know (5.7)
The award honors an organization for using the Kolbe SystemTM of instinctive strengths assessment to achieve positive, quantifiable results in major projects.
New EverBank research examines spending, investing and real estate trends among mass affluent
White paper finds “transparency gap” between hedge fund managers, investors
The university’s team of solar researchers have put their 21Connect vehicle, which took part in the 2011 solar race across Australia, up for sale
A wave of startups is changing finance—for the better
At a time of fitful economic growth, banks around the world have lacked one of the most powerful engines for performance and valuation: robust GDP growth in their home economies.
Marc Cohen and Torie Bold of Wealth-X Custom Research break down myths and assumptions about the future of the luxury industry and its consumers
The annual old wine tasting — the curtain-raiser to the Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show — was held in Paarl a few days ago