
HSBC launches Next Generation Fund for HNW's

“HSBC has been researching emerging managers for many years, and we have an established track record of investing in some of the best new managers in the industry. This Fund provides our clients with direct access to a new generation of hedge fund m


Wealth management struggles amid strong Commbank result

The CBA has recorded a statutory net profit after tax for the half year ended Dec 31 2011 of $3.624 billion, a 19% increase on the previous corresponding period, in a strong result unaided by its wealth management arm which recorded a loss.


Taiwan may allow yuan-based wealth management investment

An official of the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) said on Monday that it was looking into ways to allow Taiwanese to open accounts at Hong Kong or mainland branches of Taiwan banks without having to go to the branches in person.


The wealth gap challenge

This phenomenon, the "wealth gap," is not new and we have become used to the fact that, with few exceptions, particularly in developing countries the wealth disparity is growing steadily.


UBS flags bonus cuts but overall pay stays high

The Swiss bank, hit in 2011 by a rogue trading scandal and still clawing its way back from a financial crisis bailout, is slashing 2011 investment bank bonuses by 60 percent, a steeper drop than most rivals.