BNP Paribas Wealth Management has long been committed to entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses and their owners, by supporting their company projects and assisting in their personal wealth planning.
Pictet & Cie., Switzerland’s biggest closely held private bank, said the U.S. Department of Justice has made a “general inquiry” into its wealth management business with U.S. clients.
Self-confidence and betting on long odds are part of their DNA and so, while expecting the financial industry to slash bonuses this year, many bankers think it will not happen to them.
The philanthropy service is available for all 25,000 customers of the private bank, that have a million Euro's.
In the past, Coutts has worked with M&C Saatchi, which was appointed in 2001 to revamp the bank’s image.
Finance director Paul Stockton (pictured) said the firm had raised £24.7 million in a share placing, representing 4.6% of its share capital, to fund a multi-faceted growth strategy.
“A venue for clients where they can come in and feel like it’s a private club, a university, a wealth management shop, and a boutique hotel – all at once.”