France’s largest asset manager, Amundi (AMUN: France), began operations with Bank of China’s (3988.Hong Kong) wealth management subsidiary in September, with the former holding 50.1%.
The siblings, who have worked together for six years, first at Credit Suisse Group AG’s private-banking group and then at JPMorgan Securities’s Chicago office, often invest together on private deals.
The firm has four directors, Simon Knighton, Mark Houldey, Andrew Rastrick and David Hindle.
The Geneva-based company, which has been existing in its current form since 1 January, has over CHF 600m in assets under management, as AGEFI first reported.
Courtney is a Managing Director at UBS and she and her team serve the diverse and dynamic needs of high-net-worth individuals, families, foundations, and businesses.
The establishment of an office in Singapore, together with [Bong's] appointment, represents an important strategic step for the firm,» said GAM’s group CEO Peter Sanderson.
The list is based on votes cast by close to 20,000 professionals in the captive insurance industry, with entrants from around the world, representing the best of the best of the captive industry.