"The judgment is a big success for UBS, and it took a lot of effort. In a first hearing, UBS struggled to be named a party in the case and to access the French files," Jacquemart said.
Judged by an international panel of highly respected practitioners from all private wealth sectors covering all the jurisdictions, winners are those judged to have excelled in achievement, innovation, expertise and service.
The December ruling froze about $1.9 billion of the two men’s assets worldwide, plus interest that runs to $500,000 a day, according to PrivatBank’s lawyers.
Swiss banks eligible to enter the program were required to advise the Department by December 31, 2013, that they had reason to believe that they had committed tax-related criminal offenses in connection with undeclared U.S.-related accounts.
A judge said that Nathalie Dauriac, 40, who met the tycoon when she worked at the private bank Coutts, had “clearly won” the dispute.
In addition to providing services to individuals and entities based in Switzerland, at all relevant times, Mirelis provided custodial and independent portfolio and asset management services to U.S. taxpayer-clients.