
China Loosens Wealth Management Reins

To add sub-branches in China foreign banks will in future only need to obtain one approval instead of two as was previously the case, aligning the regulation with local Chinese banks.


Digital currencies inquiry launched

It will examine the potential impact of distributed ledger technology – such as blockchain – on financial institutions, including the central bank, and financial infrastructure.


Switzerland and Saudi Arabia sign double-taxation agreement

The Swiss minister had arrived in Riyadh on Saturday for a four-day visit to the Middle East, accompanied by Swiss State Secretary for International Financial Matters Jörg Gasser, as well as representatives of some dozen Swiss financial institutions.


Finma publishes ICO guidelines

Creating transparency at this time is important given the dynamic market and the high level of demand. Each case must be decided on its individual merits


6 ways to tax the ultra-wealthy better

They argued that despite famous calls for co-ordinated global wealth taxes, like the one from Thomas Piketty in 2015, there are very few wealth taxes that are both effective and explicit.