The Swiss minister had arrived in Riyadh on Saturday for a four-day visit to the Middle East, accompanied by Swiss State Secretary for International Financial Matters Jörg Gasser, as well as representatives of some dozen Swiss financial institutions.
They argued that despite famous calls for co-ordinated global wealth taxes, like the one from Thomas Piketty in 2015, there are very few wealth taxes that are both effective and explicit.
The acquisition, which is subject to regulatory approval, would further expand Butterfield's presence in the Channel Islands by providing a Jersey presence for the group.
This spirit of cooperation is coupled with the teeth of enforcement, as the enactment of the UK Criminal Finances Act, extends extraterritorial reach to individuals and entities that fail to implement policies and procedures to prevent the facilitation of
Despite the picture painted in the BBC’s recent McMafia series, the UK is not necessarily awash of dubious foreign wealth. But what is the UK doing to clampdown on money laundering and increase transparency?
The new licence sees former Partner of Maitland Advisory LLP (the group’s London law firm), Iris Harvey, take on a new role as Director of Private Client Services for Guernsey.
Various reports cited London as a money laundering haven, but the UK Government was conspicuously silent on the issue, turning a blind eye as millions of dollars poured in.