HMRC claws back celebrities' tax profit on empty data centres
Project backers Harcourt Capital said it expected its first tenants soon.
Project backers Harcourt Capital said it expected its first tenants soon.
Led by founder Alan Goldberg, who joins the firm as a partner, the team of nine professionals will support and extend the capabilities and scope of the firm’s Personal Wealth Advisory practice.
However, responding to the fines, the three banks have said they did nothing wrong with Credit Agricole declaring that it would appeal the decision while the other two are still considering an appeal.
Based on the data compiled in this year’s advisory, 2017 will likely be another year of modest industry growth in an uncertain and fragile global economy and market for law firm services.
Overseas pensions offered from Gibraltar are most at risk of losing their 'recognised' status when the UK brings in a new rule requiring such products to be regulated in the country where they are established.
The media office of the Brasilia-based Regional Federal Tribunal for the 1st Region said the decision favoring Safra was approved by the court in a 2-to-1 ruling.
However, through thoughtful and thorough family and business discussions and understanding your business's governance, you can take steps to minimise the risk of disharmony and/or expensive court actions by planning ahead
Once UK residential property owned indirectly is brought within the scope of inheritance tax, the same rules, exclusions and reliefs will apply as they currently do to all other property.
An investment vehicle that incurred the loss.
In its third consecutive year, the Top 200 list honours the most powerful women in government, private wealth, education, private client advisory and philanthropy across the world's leading international finance centres.
The Zurich District Court, as the court of first instance, has issued its judgment in the case of the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben (BvS) versus Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. and ruled in favour of Julius Baer. Julius Baer h
The island is a destination for financial investment by onshore pensions and governments amounting to more than $20 billion.
SEC protects the confidentiality of whistleblowers and does not disclose information that might directly or indirectly reveal a whistleblower’s identity
This exchange of information will be repeated every year, with a further 47 countries starting to collect data in 2017
Since 2010, the IRS has unleashed a team of tax collectors that, officially, is named the Global High-Wealth Industry group.
According to data released through the Panama Papers, over half of the 200,000 and more companies managed by the legal firm in Panama, Mossack Fonseca, were registered in the British Virgin Islands alone.
By German court order, he was officially released on Friday after the U.S. request to extradite him was denied.
Switzerland also has similar agreements with Kuwait, Qatar and UAE.
The goal should be to make the Bahamas "the Monaco of the Caribbean", says Ryan Pinder, former minister of financial services on the islands.
The measures will make it more difficult for people to avoid paying taxes and will start taking effect next month.