Offshore trusts not just for tax cheats
Establishing a foundation is not necessarily aimed at cheating the tax man, Rebecca Waterhouse says.
Establishing a foundation is not necessarily aimed at cheating the tax man, Rebecca Waterhouse says.
The driver behind these changes is the BVI Government's commitment to ensuring that the BVI is in compliance with the transparency requirements of the Financial Action Task Force
Partner in PJT Partners allegedly scammed clients into fake investment that he created and made up web domain and emails to support
It makes sense to extend ‘clawback’ periods for as long as 10 years
The Group of 77 developing countries, led by India and China, wants to turn the committee into a more muscular inter-governmental agency that would have a voice in setting tax rules
The award is the latest in a string of claims ruled in favor of investors against UBS
Seven Defendants Agree to Pay Nearly $18 Million in Hacked News Release Scheme
Responses are invited to the questions included in a consultation document on issues and suggestions on the tax treaty entitlement of non-CIV (Collective Investment Vehicle) funds.
Settlement means investors' names will not be published
Wentworth owners Reignwood and the president of China’s top university were among those fooled by a man with a “charming British accent” and a surname worth its weight in gold
The 34-year-old operated a network of companies and currency exchange centres
He is seeking an order under the Data Protection Act to force the bank to turn over any information it has that it relied on in its decision to sever its relationship with the 76-year-old Monaco resident and Conservative party donor.
Against such a backdrop, investing in technology is a no-brainer.
Some of the practical and tangible solutions range from re-inventing the controls on an institutional basis to creating fact-sheets for clients to give them clarity on the process and policy.
Since taking over in July, Thiam, 53, has pledged to focus on wealth management while shrinking the riskier securities businesses
Supporters of the new rule, such as consumer groups and retiree advocates, say it will promote transparency and protect investors from being sold unnecessary financial products
The U.S. has been aggressively tracking down Swiss accounts since 2008, hoping thereby to severely reduce this method of tax evasion.
The Order further finds that in March 2013, CSS-USA submitted to Enforcement
For hundreds of other Dutch UBS account holders who did not lodge similar appeals, however, their information was already transferred to the Netherlands from Switzerland.
Although hardly the most complex piece of legislation ever introduced, various questions have arisen in implementing the legal representative provision.