
Clawback - the taxman’s growing reach

It was George Harrison’s astonishment at the amount of tax he was paying that prompted him to pen The Beatles’ song “Taxman” almost 50 years ago.


Latest AIFM research launched at Crestbridge forum

Launched at a special Crestbridge Forum, attended by over 100 highly influential fund sector specialists in Luxembourg on Thursday 2 October, the IFI Global ‘Impact of AIFMD’ report examined opinions on the impact of the introduction of the Di


Monaco joins fight against tax dodgers

The Principality of Monaco, a known tax haven, delighted its larger European neighbors when it announced its commitment to fight tax dodgers after becoming the 84th jurisdiction to participate in the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assist


Global Shell Games: Testing Money Launderers

The researchers could not find a single example of one company service provider in the Cayman Islands willing to set up an anonymous company but by contrast, it was easy to find a service provider in the UK who would do that.