
U.S. tax-evasion probe turns to Israeli banks

The U.S. pursuit of offshore tax evaders is widening to include Israel, where U.S. authorities are scrutinizing three of Israel's largest banks over suspicions their Swiss outposts helped American clients evade taxes, people briefed on the matter sai


Kuwait faces a tax dilemma

The possible introduction of income tax in Kuwait has sparked controversy amongst expatriates and Kuwaitis alike.


Swiss ambassador rejects US tax criticism

Switzerland's ambassador to the United States, Manuel Sager, has penned a letter strongly refuting “claims that Switzerland is fighting against handing over bank information about Americans who have cheated on their taxes.“


Ex-UBS client ordered to give tax records to grand jury

U.S. prosecutors won a victory in their crackdown on offshore tax evasion when a federal appeals court said a former UBS client cannot assert his constitutional right against self-incrimination to avoid turning over his bank records to a U.S. grand jury.