
What if Britain had joined the euro?

The five tests were arguably Gordon Brown's greatest triumph, for by applying disciplined economic analysis to the issue of whether Britain was ready for the euro,


The warning from minor tremors

The past few weeks have seen markets react to apparently even the slightest hint that their current stimulant of choice might just start to be restricted in its supply in the USA.


Rolling back the contagion clock

The current degree of EM sensitivity to US financial stress is aligned with other post-crisis stress episodes. While changing perceptions of Fed policy and soft


UBS warns of Europe brain drain

EUROPE needs to address its economic and social issues in order to retain talent as otherwise young Europeans will leave the continent and head for Asia, a senior European banker said.


Market Perspective Report - Rothschild

Global economic growth is likely to remain weak. But loose monetary policies, including low interest rates and quantitative easing, should continue to support risk asset prices throughout the rest of the year.