
Super rich still making money

Financial advisers to the world's richest people report some of their top clients have continued to make money throughout recent market turmoil by harnessing sophisticated investments out of reach to mainstream punters.


Family businesses see sales hike

THE economy may be weighed down by high inflation and unemployment but family owned businesses appear to be weathering the storm.


HSBC Canada wealth unit - Not For Sale

HSBC Holdings' (HBC) Canadian wealth unit chief told financial advisers to "stay the course," dismissing rumors of a potential sale of HSBC's Canadian retail brokerage operations.


Ex Butterfield Fulcrum CEO launches platform

Bhargava has launched InfraHedge to allow wealth managers, family offices, multi-family offices and institutional investors to ring-fence their assets from broader fund structures to protect against gating, which can occur in extreme market conditions.


Van Lanschot's AUM up by 5%

Van Lanschot's services revolve around wealth creation and protection: assets under management were up 5% in the first half of 2011


Wall Street will cut year-end bonuses

Wall Street will cut year-end bonuses for fixed-income and equities employees by as much as 30 percent from last year, according to revised estimates from Johnson Associates Inc.


Elevate expands model portfolio range

Axa Wealth’s platform Elevate has partnered with discretionary managers Investec Wealth & Investment and Mercater Capital Management.