Mr Kosky praised the Guernsey courts for a “virtually paperless” trial and a judgment made within nine months of the hearing concluded, particularly, he said, when Guernsey had little track record of litigation of such a size.
Stringent requirements for the incorporation of Jersey companies, together with regulation and supervision of trust and company service providers, ensure this information is accurate and current.
Mr Kosky praised the Guernsey courts for a “virtually paperless” trial and a judgment made within nine months of the hearing concluded, particularly, he said, when Guernsey had little track record of litigation of such a size.
Rules are meant to keep things rolling smoothly, but if you don't understand them or decide to try to steer around them, you could be headed for big trouble.
Whilst these are significant changes and will increase the level of documentation and reporting required, it is likely that most companies will either meet the substance requirements or will not be caught by the new rules.
“The absence of an effective, global sanctions-compliance infrastructure and lack of management oversight allowed Société Générale employees to ignore the scope and applicability of laws governing economic sanctions, as w