The state's finance minister, Norbert Walter-Borjans, said in a statement Wednesday that the data might help Greece achieve "more tax honesty."
On 16 October 2015, the Cayman Islands introduced The Tax Information Authority (International Tax Compliance) (Common Reporting Standard) Regulations, 2015 (the Regulations) to implement the CRS.
Israel has signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, making it the 91st jurisdiction to join the world’s leading instrument for boosting transparency and combating offshore tax evasion.
Ghana offers a wide range of business and investment opportunities and the country has an abundance of agricultural, mining and human resources, among others.
Esteves is under temporary arrest for a maximum of five days, according to an official for the federal Supreme Court, which authorized the action.
The MAP reporting framework and the definitions of terms used in reporting, as well as the other results of the proposals in the Committee on Fiscal Affairs' (CFA) 2004 report on improving the resolution of cross-border tax disputes, are described in
The Crown Dependency and Liechtenstein Disclosure Facilities finish on 31 December 2015, so after that date it will no longer be possible to register for the favourable treatment afforded by these facilities.