Former UBS AG banker Raoul Weil, accused of helping Americans evade taxes, may be allowed to call fellow bankers as witnesses to testify from overseas by video because they fear arrest if they travel to the U.S.
Prosecutors claim Messi, 27, and Jorge used shell firms in the UK, Switzerland, Uruguay and Belize to funnel off £3.3million between 2007 and 2009.
This collaboration will enhance the strength of the two firms’ international offerings, providing clients with immediate access to leading Africa practices with recognised expertise across multiple sectors including Energy & Infrastructure and N
This whistleblower provided the agency with specific, timely, and credible information that allowed for a more rapid investigation
Richard Watkins, Certified Financial Planner at Close Brothers Asset Management, comments on the latest inheritance tax receipts:
While the Budget attempts to operate under the guise of flexibility, there will be a couple of inevitable terms that could potentially make the idea of drawing the whole fund in one go a lot less appealing.
Despite a largely unaltered image abroad, the finance ministry official behind key international negotiations believes the Swiss financial sector will thrive after having signed data exchange agreements that some say spell an end to banking secrecy.