
Odey Asset Management makes Swiss push

Odey, which manages approximately $12.3bn of assets, is one of few London-based hedge funds to have expanded into Switzerland since analysts predicted a big wave of departures from the UK in 2010.


Barclays Wealth fails to halt talent drain

Barclays declined to comment on the departures, which add to the growing list of senior executives to have left the bank since it announced it would pull out of 200 wealth markets last September.


Absa Wealth bleeds talent at the top amid mutters over pay

More than 11 key staff have left WIM since October last year. When staff leave specialised units such as WIM revenue tends to follow them to their new companies because of the relationship they have with their clients.


Nedbank boss plans leadership shake-up

The executive shake-up was alluded to in Nedbank’s recent update to the market after Brown missed his self-imposed deadline to appoint a new retail and banking head by the beginning of this month.


Aust Unity bids for Premium Wealth Management

The companies announced they had executed a non-binding indicative offer under which Australian Unity Personal Financial Services would acquire all the shares in Premium Wealth Management.


In the big bank asset sell-off, clarity is key - UBS chief

After the global financial crisis prompted banks and regulators to look again at what constitutes safe capital, many big lenders have been moving trillions of euros of unwanted assets into divisions like the one Molinaro runs.