
Citigroup shareholders reject CEO pay

The shareholder vote, mandated by the "say on pay" legislation under the Dodd-Frank Act, was taken at the firm's annual meeting in Dallas.


BNP Paribas To Move London Wealth Business‎

Ludovic de Montille, UK chairman of BNP Paribas, said: “This long-term real estate strategy has been formulated to serve our needs in London and focusing our operations on these two campuses will allow for future growth, further improve our ability


Banks plot to sue EU over bonuses

Banks have hired lawyers to look into suing the EU if Brussels imposes new restrictions on bonuses that they say would wreck their businesses, City A.M. has learned.


State Street hit by rising cost of employees

STATE Street said yesterday that first-quarter profit fell 11 per cent as compensation and other employee benefits surged at nearly three times the pace of operating revenue.


Europe's old wealth seeks new home in Asia

These days, that Italian clan and other ultra-affluent families are moving assets to Singapore by setting up family offices in a city-state often touted as the Switzerland of Asia.


Estate of the art

According to the Mei Moses World All Art index, investment grade art grew in value by 10.2 per cent in 2011, outperforming both the S&P 500 and the FTSE All Share total return indexes.