
Forcing the Rich to Bail Out Europe

The idea, first floated by a German economic policy group, calls for imposing a 10 percent tax on the wealth of the richest Europeans and forcing them to lend money to their governments.


Islamic Financial Services on Rise, but Private Banks Lag

But private banks have lagged, offering relatively little in terms of wealth management for Islamic customers, who want products and services that respect Islamic laws prohibiting trading in debt and collecting interest, among other rules.


Big bonuses seen leading to current Wall Street scandals

Hodgson told CNBC his research shows the incentive structure on Wall Street, in which bonuses are paid based on short-term profits, was one of the prime factors that caused the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.


Banks plan Shariah assets for Asian millionaires

Malaysia’s CIMB will market more instruments in the fourth quarter for clients with a minimum of 1 million ringgit (Dh1.15 million), Badlisyah Abdul Gani, chief executive officer of CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd., said.


UBS rolls over unique Australia banker bonus deal

Bonuses often make up the majority of pay for senior investment bankers, with managing directors at most major Western banks usually in line to make around $1 million or more a year.


JPMorgan Cuts Investment Banking Compensation

Bloomberg reports that the unit set aside $4.91bn for pay in the first six months of the year, enough to compensate each of the 26,553 employees an average of $184,989 for the period, according to figures posted on the firm's website.