
Private Banking's Seven Cardinal Sins

It is pretty clear that many private clients have not only lost money on the exchange – roughly about 20 percent on average – but clients also need their assets to inject into their businesses.


SYZ Capital merges multiple offerings

SYZ Capital, the boutique private markets investment firm created in 2018 under the leadership of Marc Syz, has broadened its alternatives offering to create a leading proposition and centre of innovation for both liquid and illiquid strategies.


Ex-UBS Chairman Marcel Ospel Dies

He is survived by his wife, Adriana Bodmer and their two children as well as four children from two previous marriages.


VP Bank approves dividends as profit increases

Due to the very good capital and liquidity situation with an equity ratio well above the legal minimum requirements and the solid business policy, VP Bank is well-positioned to successfully master the challenges ahead.’


Review of the Week: Too much oil

Crazy phenomena like negative oil prices will keep popping up over the coming months warns our chief investment officer Julian Chillingworth. Investors will ignore most of it, but when they do panic, stocks could return to their March lows.


Stonehage Fleming makes acquisition

Four members of the Cavendish senior fund management team will transfer to Stonehage Fleming and continue to manage these funds.


Hiring a Wealth Management Team

The important considerations for any affluent family looking to make the best and most well-informed decision about with whom to entrust their wealth.