
London named most dynamic city in Europe

A city’s attractiveness for long-term real estate investment is fundamentally linked to whether people are inspired to live, work and play there.


Goldman Sachs' Swiss Attack

The New York-based bank is making waves in the alpine nation: quadrupling staff in Geneva, upgrading n Zurich, poaching from Lombard Odier


Swiss Bitcoin Bank UBS Credit Suisse Interest Clearly Picked-up'

As reported, Sygnum was recently issued a conditional Swiss banking and securities dealer license and now aims to become a fully regulated bank so as to provide a full suite of financial services, including crypto custody and fiat-crypto conversions.


Ascot Lloyd complete double acquisition

QS Financial, based in Bromsgrove, brings over £65m of additional funds under management into the Group and complements Ascot Lloyd’s strength in the West Midlands region, further building on the recent acquisition of Newell Palmer.


Julius Baer's European Build-Out And Its UK Ambitions

At Julius Baer International Ltd, the business operating in the UK and Ireland, the combination of hires, expanding offices and other development has cost a considerable sum, putting the bank’s results into the red – at least in the short term


Mifid rule forces Brewin boss to work Christmas Day

The controversial Mifid depreciation rule requires those with discretionary permissions to write to every client by the end of the following business day whose portfolio has dropped by 10 per cent or more from the beginning of the last reporting period.


Peter Wuffli: «Why Reinvent the Past?»

The 61-year-old spent the last ten years dividing his time between a board mandate at Partners Group, a Zug-based alternative asset manager, and Elea, a foundation he and his wife set up in 2006.


National wealth of Cyprus on the rise

The country’s national wealth, the Gross Domestic Product, is gradually but steadily rising from the very low of €16.43 billion recorded in 2013.