
Locky ransomware spreads like wildfire - expert comment

The BBC has reported this afternoon that security firms are warning about a sudden "huge" surge in junk mail messages containing ransomware. The surge is being blamed on the group behind the novel strain of ransomware called Locky.


Private jet mobile revolution drives sales

The similarity to private car booking app Uber is something that Victor is clearly keen to encourage, teaming up with the San Fransisco based company to offer lucky US Uber users a free flight to New York last month.


SS&C Rolls out Major Geneva Technology Upgrade

The alternative investment market is constantly changing, requiring fund managers to use proven technology and services that ensure operations can scale and firms can grow as asset strategies become more complex.


Nutmeg searching for new CEO

Nutmeg is one of the UK’s most well-known fintech companies and enables users to set up online investment portfolios in 10 minutes with a minimum investment of £1,000.