
The return of inflation

There are already signs of increased price spillovers across sectors and between prices and wages, as is common in a high-inflation environment.


Coordinated Demand Destruction

This is not to say that we do not have a very real problem with inflation and its very real effect on consumer disposable income and living standards, but everything must be put into context.


Major headwinds for the growth cycle

Reduced visibility and volatile economic indicators are fuelling downside risks that will weigh on Q2 growth, while a better outlook is expected in the second half of the year.


Vetting for super-rich is under ‘constant review’

Valery Oyf – who has been described in international media as a close friend of Mr Abramovich – bought his mansion in Ouaisné Bay in 2020 with his wife Yulia Makeyeva, an artist based in Jersey, in an area of the Island that has become


Will China stand with Russia?

Having spent much of her career living and working in China as a journalist, Carrie was able to share powerful insights and a unique perspective on the country, its geopolitical intentions and its relations with the West.