
The Current State Of The Yacht Sales Market

The number of yachts listed on the market during the first quarter was 28% lower than in previous years, with 482 yachts listed during the same period in 2019.


World’s Rich Question Fees With Wealth Hitting $74 Trillion

The majority of investors weren’t satisfied by the quality of personalized information they receive and about three-quarters of those surveyed said they would consider offerings from non-traditional providers like the big tech firms.


Investment Update: The Future of Hong Kong

In recent months, however, the mood music has been changing. President Xi Jinping’s assertive policies have caused a steep loss in popularity and suspicion of China.


Covid Crash Risk — What's in a Number?

Even by the standards of prior crises, the Corona Crash of 2020 has been an unprecedented event, not only in terms of the speed and scale of the economic event, but also in terms of volatility and correlation – the two key components of many Value a


Family Office Feature: In Conversation With Heather Maizels

Increasingly families are setting up new funds, becoming multi-family offices, or developing a wider investor base, and here Jersey’s fund capabilities are important with choice of structures and importantly, a real understanding of the world of sus


Review of the week: Tally ho!

Call it pluck or devil-may-care recklessness, the UK has committed to diving out of the EU completely in 2021, deal or no deal.