
UBS CIOs: why we downgraded EM equities

Speaking at a press briefing in Singapore, Haefaele said that with growing volatility, investors are also looking for a higher risk premium and hence taking money out of EMs.


Failure, guaranteed By Tim Price

The third impediment to performance is that professional fund managers and financial institutions have grown to the point that they have become the market.


What Will BlackRock Look Like in 2030?

Over the past decade, BlackRock and the elite asset management community beneted handsomely from central bank measures such as quantitative easing, with the rapid creation of money owing into listed equity markets.


Let's have more heart for art.... by Penny Lovell

What many people don’t know is that this year is the 150th anniversary of his birth and the city that once rejected his brilliance is now mourning the loss of his architectural jewel.