
UBS: No More Pale, Stale, Males?

UBS Wealth Management will broaden the dialogue it has with clients to include the purpose of wealth based on four core dimensions


Millionaires and billionaires are evolving

A year ago the wealth management arm of UBS decided to shake up the financial services sector with the launch of content platform Unlimited, making a play for a new generation of purpose-fuelled millionaires.


How the Wealth Management Workforce Will Change

Today, however, wealth management is one of the industries being rapidly transformed by technology, replacing what were once considered ‘core functions’, such as investment management and trust administration – with machines.


Adam & Company launches Investment Outlook

Dickson Anderson, Head of Adam Investment commented: “As the obsession with Brexit dominates thoughts here at home, we felt it timely to look to China for this Investment Outlook to explore the opportunities and complexities it brings.”


BITCOIN: Not your father's currency by Omar Gallina

The first specifications and proof of concept for Bitcoin appeared in 2009 on a cryptography mailing list, signed by Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto left the Bitcoin project a year later and his (or her) real identity is today unknown.