
Zurich Court of Appeal dismissed claim against Julius Baer

The Zurich Court of Appeal, as the court of second instance, issued its judgment in the case of the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben versus Julius Baer and ruled in favour of Julius Baer as well. The ruling is not yet legally bi


Guardian Wealth hit with $1m fine

GWMQ was authorised by the Regulatory Authority on 20 October 2009 as an insurance intermediary firm to conduct insurance mediation in accordance with Article 29 of the Regulations.


UBS Broaches Swiss Tax Taboo

At present the AEoI standards haven’t affected Swiss domestic bank secrecy – Swiss clients banking in Switzerland.


Pushing the limits of tax law

As lawyers specialising in professional negligence claims, we have been involved in many cases resulting from tax planning gone wrong.