
UBS Must Face Loreley Fraud Claim in Lawsuit Over CDO Losses

Loreley sued UBS over what it said were four fraudulent CDOs, one of which was arranged by UBS “at the behest of” Magnetar Capital LLC, a hedge fund that had bet against the housing market and selected the collateral for the securities, accord


Johnson's Anti-Fatca Crusade Is "Noble" Says Wealth

Fatca is intended to stop Americans dodging taxes by hiding their wealth overseas, but it has proved controversial because it extends to all American passport holders, even those who have only a tenuous link to the US.


OECD releases 2013 mutual agreement procedure statistics

As part of the OECD’s work to improve the timeliness of processing and completing mutual agreement procedure (MAP) cases under tax treaties and to enhance the transparency of the MAP process, the OECD makes available to the public, via its website,