
Executive summary from the Global Regulatory Outlook report

The last 12 months has been another year of change for the financial services industry. We have begun the move from inter- and intranational debate about the shape and purpose of regulation, to a period of understanding the implications for business follo


Singapore Nears FATCA Agreement With US

FATCA, enacted by Congress in 2010, is intended to ensure that the US obtains information on accounts held abroad at foreign financial institutions by US persons.


French Assembly Passes Tax Evasion Bill

The French National Assembly has definitively adopted the Government's anti-tax evasion and major economic and financial crime bill. The legislation was passed by 358 votes to 198.


The annual bonus round by Withers

In anticipation of the new year’s annual bonus round, there has been a flurry of regulatory requirements that will have to be taken into account this time around:


Customs agents seizing increasing amounts of undeclared cash

The cash, often in bundles of 500-euro notes, is moving with political currents as some Europeans seek to hide their wealth from rising taxes, high-profile tax investigations and tightening rules at Swiss banks and other traditional havens.