
Ethics at Barclays Went Into the Shredder

There are two ways to look at the news that Antony Jenkins, the chief executive officer of Barclays Plc, will turn down his $1.6 million bonus this year.


FX update from J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Since the creation of the OMT (Outright Monetary Transactions) the marked fall in peripheral yields suggests that the risk the euro area posed to the global economy has decreased.


Schroders: Currency Wars - comment by Keith Wade and Clive Dennis

The New Year has seen a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff in the US, an easing of bank regulations and the adoption of a more aggressive inflation target in Japan. Policymakers have continued where they left off in 2012: prioritising growth and dampening vol


UBS Chairman proposes industry-wide settlement over Libor

UBS Chairman Axel Weber raised the possibility of an industry-wide settlement for the rest of the banks involved in the Libor rate fixing scandal at a meeting of top bankers in Davos, sources familiar with the matter said.


New Atmospherics? by Justin Urquhart Stewart

There has definitely been a change in the air, and I am not talking about that strange pong emanating from that French company plant near Rouen or those noxious niffs floating around the gloomy tunnels of the London Underground.


Coutts Wealth Watch - "Spending cliff" looms for US economy

No sooner has the US economy averted one precipice, the “fiscal cliff”, than it faces another – the “spending cliff”. While we remain cautious near term, we don’t believe this undermines the case for equities. We view r


Global View from Asia - Coutts

The theme remains the same. Long-dated government bonds suffer modest declines while equities rise. Yet, at the same time, support for high yield bonds continues to be strong, further compressing yields.