
Coutts Wealth Watch - "Spending cliff" looms for US economy

No sooner has the US economy averted one precipice, the “fiscal cliff”, than it faces another – the “spending cliff”. While we remain cautious near term, we don’t believe this undermines the case for equities. We view r


Global View from Asia - Coutts

The theme remains the same. Long-dated government bonds suffer modest declines while equities rise. Yet, at the same time, support for high yield bonds continues to be strong, further compressing yields.


Wealthy investors plan to increase their equity holdings in 2013

In the next 12 months, 71% of Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) Investors, with more than $5 million in net worth not including their primary residence (NIPR,) plan to invest in equities, up from 52% in 2010. Equities are the top investment pick among the UHNW